Overall objective

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic, social and territorial development of the country and reducing regional disparities through the development of physical capital in rural areas.


The purpose of this project is to contribute to increased competitiveness of the agriculture sector, to sustain farm incomes and mitigation of adverse effects of climate change in agriculture by promoting small-scale, low-cost, environment-friendly irrigation schemes.

This will be achieved through:

  • Selection of potential sites for investments in small-scale, low-cost, environment-friendly irrigation schemes;
  • Preparation of project documents including feasibility studies and technical design for future investments in small-scale irrigation systems;
  • Design and prepare tendering documentation for construction/rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation systems at the selected sites;
  • Provide policy guidance on streamlining, strengthening and clarifying the roles and build capacities of different stakeholders involved in irrigation water management in community based, small-scale irrigation systems;
  • Develop a simple, yet robust procedure and methodology for calculation of water tariff to achieve sustainability of community-based, small-scale irrigation systems.