As a part of the second project component, support for stakeholders involved in planning and implementation of the irrigation sector policy, this training commenced the process of capacity building of the institutions and legal entities involved in irrigation management.

The training gave clarification and transfer of necessary knowledge for prioritization based on evidence in relation to irrigation investments, as well as practical application of the selected standardized methodology used in the project.

The participants, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, as well as representatives from the JSC for Water Management and Water Management Directorate, had the opportunity to be familiarized with the methodology used for Pre – feasibility studies, identification of locations and selection process, evidence based prioritization and selection of irrigation investment projects, as well as practical application of the prioritization.

This meeting with the participants was also used to assess their needs for further trainings and advancement of knowledge. Participants identified several possible themes for future trainings: evidence-based prioritization and selection of irrigation projects, transfer / sharing of water management with users of irrigation waters, establishing of water-user associations, irrigation water tariff methodology, water-user associations, management of irrigation system, etc.

Attachment: Training Agenda