At the Agricultural Marketing training, the guest lecturer Vesna Janevska, a female farmer and president of the Association of Valuable Rosoman Hands, shared her experiences with farmers in the Probistip region on how she used her knowledge to sell the products she cultivates.

“The idea was mine, but I had the support of the family. For eighteen years we have been involved in vegetable processing, in ajvar, in sauces, ketchups and all kinds of fruits we have. So, nothing to throw. Now I apply, I want to buy a dryer, and the smallest thing I will store, and then place in parallel. It is important to think about “Who will buy your product?” … You have to present yourself a lot, be promoted, you have to know people from the other side. To give them confidence ”Janevska stated.

The training was held on December 20, 2019, as part of a series of trainings designed to strengthen the capacities of farmers.

You can see the full statement in the video: