In the period from 5th to 25th December 2019, the project ” Small-scale, low-cost, environment friendly irrigation schemes:  sites selection and preparation of full work tender dossier ” organized a series of six trainings on agricultural marketing.

The trainings, organized as part of capacity building activities for farmers, were attended by more than hundred of farmers from eight locations for which the project is preparing conditions for construction of small low-cost irrigation systems.

The farmers had the opportunity to acquire modern knowledge on agricultural marketing, how to focus on market oriented production, which is the role of post-harvest activities in agricultural marketing, such as sorting, storage, cooling, packaging, transport and others. They were also given successful examples of utilizing agricultural marketing for the production and marketing of vegetable crops through agricultural cooperatives and starting a successful business with market oriented production.

The trainings were organized and conducted by Daniela Buzarovska, agribusiness consultant, and as guest lecturers, who shared their personal experiences, participated Dragi Pamukov, representative of the agricultural cooperative “Vegafresh” for the production and marketing of vegetable crops, Violeta Prculovska of the family farm business “The Spirit of Prespa”, Vesna Janevska,

a woman farmer and president of the Association of Vredni Rosomanski Race and Sinisa Stefanovski, representative of small business LC “Raspberry”.

Bosilovo, 03.12.2019

Sopot, 04.12.2019

Rankovce, 05.12.2019

Probistip, 20.12.2019

Novaci, 23.12.2019

Tearce, 25.12.2019