In order to support farmers groups with practical experiences and networking with other farmers’ groups for management and operation of the future small-scale irrigation system, the project organized a study visit to selected agricultural cooperatives are “Petrushka reka” from Miravci and “Agro Bogdanci” from Bogadanci which are one of the most developed cooperatives for provision of irrigation services, on September 9, 2020.

The study visit was organized for farmers from all eight locations selected for construction of small-scale irrigation systems. Two to three framers who are expected to be involved in future management of the AC took place to the study visit. The intention is the knowledge and lessons learnt to be also disseminated to the other members. In total 17 farmers from six locations (Rankovce, Chaushica, Novaci, Tearce, Kolibari and Pishica) participated at the study visit. Representatives from two locations, Sopot and Konopnica, were not able to participate due to suspects to Covid-19 (Konopnica) and arranged buyout of grape (Sopot, K36).

The study visit was composed of short presentations about AC “Petrushka reka” from Miravci and AC “Agro Bogdanci” from Bogdanci followed by on-site visit at the irrigation system in Miravci. The study visit was wrap-up of the previously conducted capacity building activities in order to reinforce their knowledge and networking in future managements of the irrigation systems. Farmers enhanced their knowledge on how to start-up and run cooperative, raised considerations on challenges and constrains that might potentially appear, became more familiar with certain technical aspects in maintenance and operation of the irrigation systems, funding of the AC and latest but not the least important issue to improve networking and collaboration with other farmers’ groups.

Lazar Boev, Manager of the Agricultural Cooperative “Petrushka reka”, gave short presentation of the main characteristics of the cooperative. The irrigation system was constructed with support by KfW Bank in 2006. It is located in the South Vardar valley, covering nearly 520 ha irrigated area with 62 km of secondary and tertiary network at the area of village Miravci, Davidovo and Miletkovo. Nearly 70% of the irrigation is supplied by wells (capacity 1200 l/sec) and 30% is from surface water abstraction. The irrigation system is mainly used for vegetable, orchards, but also cereals. Until 2016, in line with the current legislation, the system was managed by the water community “Petrushka reka”. With the legislative changes and abolition of the water communities, the management and operation of the system was undertaken by the newly established agricultural cooperative “Petruska reka”. The transition from water community to agricultural cooperative was fully supported from the KfW project. The institutional set-up in terms of registration process, required documents, establishment of management bodies of the AC and other related issues was monitored and supported by the staff of KfW project.

Ivan Vangelov, manager, presented the Agricultural Cooperative “Agro-Bogdanci”, located in the South Vardar valley. The irrigation system covers 600 ha irrigated area near the settlements of Bogdanci and Gjavato. In 2002, with support of KfW Bank, the existing irrigation system in Bogdanci is extended to approximately 170 ha at the vicinity of the settlement Gjavato. At present, with existing 80 km of secondary and 60 km tertiary network, nearly 200 ha are irrigated and the rest 400 ha are not irrigated due to system failure and state land that is not cultivated. It is a gravity system and is mainly used for vineyards, orchards and early vegetable production. The irrigation system is managed by the agricultural cooperative “Agro-Bogdanci” which was established for production of vine distillate, but with the termination of the water communities (WC) and entitling agricultural cooperatives for performance of irrigation activities was also registered for provision of irrigation services. The cooperative provides irrigation services, but also performs other agricultural activities. It produces vine distillate which is branded through the cooperative.

In general, farmers have positive attitude toward establishment of AC for management and operation of the irrigation system and their capacities in institutional and technical aspects are strengthened. Though, further coaching trough advising, guiding, and monitoring of the process of establishment of AC, in particular for holding founding assembly, establishment of management bodies, adoption of legal acts, registering of the AC, utilization of available financial support, as well as activities to foster development of sustainable value chains and enhance technical capacity in efficient irrigation techniques is highly recommendable after project termination.