The third meeting of the Project Steering Committee, held today at the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, was dedicated on the prepared Feasibility Studies (FS) for the first three locations: Chaushica, Kolibari and Slavishko Pole.

At the beginning of the meeting the differences in findings between Pre-feasibility and Feasibility reports were pointed out, followed by review of the economic and social aspects of the three FS. Focus was given on the comments received on a Technical meeting and how they have been addressed in revised versions of FS. One of the issues was consideration of the possibility for subsidies given in the Law of Agricultural cooperatives and impact on tariffs. Comparing to Pre-feasibility reports, there is increase of benefits of the systems.

Technical aspects of the FSs for the three locations were also addressed and it was explained that at feasibility level, with survey undertaken, data are more precise comparing to pre-feasibility stage. Attention was putted on Infrastructure design, about the administrative procedure for getting approval of all relevant institutions for potential interchange with irrigation system. Irrigation systems are planned with due consideration of information received from the authorities.