With the idea that the participation of farmers in designing and managing the irrigation system helps to ensure the sustainability of the system, reduces the burden on public expenditure and increases efficiency, equity and standard of services, a training was held at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, on the processes and techniques for community involvement, as well as policies in the water sector.

About 20 participants, representatives from JSC Water Management and MAFWE, were introduced to the process and techniques for greater involvement of farmers, as well as examples of practical application. The idea is that transformation of water users from ordinary users into partners in the development of the irrigation system can have a widespread impact, as farmers are trained and organized.

At the same time, they had the opportunity to be acquainted with the water sector policy review framework as well as formulating a strategy for integrated water resources management.

Enclosures: Agenda, Manual of Community Participation Processes and Techniques, Sector Policy Review Framework Handbook