In the period from May 21 to May 24, 2019, the project team visited the Novaci, Pisica and Konopica sites as part of their ongoing feasibility study preparation activities.
Field visits were organized to scan the situation: intake structures, water supply sources, irrigation area. Meetings with farmers were also held. Farmers, from all three locations, agree that the construction of small, low-cost irrigation systems is necessary.
In Pishica, farmers proposed existing pipeline to be reconstructed and the system to be extended to include all arable area from both sides of the village. The preferred option is to be small scale system without pumping station. The estimates should be done whether the capacity of the system will be enough to cover the indicated arable land. Option for drip irrigation will also be considered in order to include larger area.
For the farmers from Konopica it is clear that the irrigation system is high priority for region. Without the system, the agricultural production is not possible. Thus, the ultimate necessity is to have irrigation system in place, even if it is required to be with a pumping station. However, consideration should be taken to have affordable tariffs. During design phase, different options will be assessed. The project will consider option with gravity versus pumping station and consequently impact to tariffs from both options.
It was concluded in Novaci that the State Road Agency should be consulted if it is allowed to intersect regional road on the section Dobromiri – Novaci with irrigation pipeline.
On all three locations, map of the proposed irrigation system, list of cadastral parcels and consents to be signed need to be distributed to farmers.