At yesterday’s fourth meeting of the Project Steering Committee, it was decided to halt all project activities in the Banjko pole, thus preventing the site from entering the further phases of the project.
The reason for this decision is that farmers from Banjichko Pole refused to sign statements accepting the terms of the project. At the same time, farmers insisted that irrigation channels to be open and no management and operation to be undertaken locally by future water user association.
In addition, field data showed that farmers in Banjichko pole were not willing to pay for water for irrigation in the past, and based on current happenings there is no willingness to pay under new system if it is built.
Failure to meet one of the prerequisites for entry into the next phase – lack of farmers support, is the main reason that Banjacko pole has not entered the next phase of the project.
According to the project team’s recommendations, as well as pre-feasibility report and farmers’ interest, the Konopica location will enter the next project phase, replacing Banichko Pole.